学费 & 费用
A CMU education is an investment that brings many returns over the course of your life. You're investing in outstanding academics, a professional focus, active involvement, and leadership. A CMU experience is one of the most rewarding decisions you will ever make.
The information provided can be used to estimate your balance due to CMU, after financial assistance has been applied. Monthly billing statements, provided by the 业务办公室, will begin in June.
2024 - 25 |
Fayette Undergraduate Campus / College of Liberal Arts & 科学(cla) |
研究生院 & Extended Studies - satellite programs, online/graduate (CGES) |
cmu一等,双学分 |
查看全文 出勤费用 估算所有费用. 出勤费用 is a formal term used by the Department of Education to estimate the cost to a student, 直接和间接, 作为一名全日制学生.
2024-25 Fayette Undergraduate Campus / College of Liberal Arts & 科学
学费(每学期12-18学时) | $27,840 |
平均食宿费 | $9,450 |
费用 | $780 |
总平均年度直接成本 | $38,070 |
Average Book and Supply cost (estimated) | $1,000 |
Direct Costs - Breakdown per Semester | |
全日制(12-18学时) | $13,920 |
Part-time tuition (7-11 hours, per credit hour) | $1,135 |
Part-time tuition (1-6 hours and summer courses, per credit hour) | $240 |
Overload tuition (for each hour over 18) | $240 |
学生宿舍* | $2,325 |
膳食计划(每学期)^ | $2,400 |
Student 费用 Per Semester: Mandatory (full-time or per credit hour, part-time) | 2024-25 |
就业中心费用 | $25 or $2.50 |
课堂评估费 | $110 or $9.25 |
教育资源费 | $120 or $10 |
健康诊所费用 | $35 or $3.00 |
学生团体费 | $90 or $9* |
年鉴的费用 | $10 or $1 |
Other 费用 (Not all fees are applicable to all students.) | 2024-25 |
美术费(每学时) | $10 |
运动训练项目费用** | |
投资费用 | $120 |
Sports Medicine/Athletic Training Fee | $125 |
Liability Insurance for Clinical Rotations (yearly) | $40 |
CMU Student AT Association Fee/Professional Memberships | $30/$90 |
报名费(恕不退还) | $250 |
Travel Exp to/from clinical sites, drug and criminal background testing | 不同 |
CGES Student Service Fee (per credit hour) | $20 |
继续教育学分费用** | 2研究生学分:780美元 |
3研究生学分:1080美元 | |
3 .继续教育单位:300美元 | |
4.继续教育单元:375美元 | |
审查信用 | $35 |
重复的文凭 | $25 |
教育专业背景调查** | $15.55 |
新生课本 | $15 |
毕业典礼的费用 | $75 |
希腊保险 | 50美元,新会员75美元 |
换领身份证 | $10 |
滞纳金 | 每月2%的应付余额 |
护理费用 | Nursing fees are now located on the nursing home page. |
网上服务费 | $50 |
Occupational Therapy Program 费用** | |
超限费(超过18小时) | $240 |
取向的费用 | $100 |
停车引用 | $15-$100 |
停车许可证(每学期) | $35 |
缴费计划报名费 | $30-55 |
Physical Therapist Assistant Program 费用** | |
印刷成本 | |
Private Music Lessons (per lesson, max $250) | $125 |
Re-Core & 更换钥匙 | $75 |
Re-issued Payroll or Refund Check** | $30 |
宿舍-损坏押金 | $100 |
退回支票 | $30 |
Science Laboratory Fee (per course, max $100) | $50 |
安全检查 & FBI Fingerprint Screening for Education majors** | $41.75 |
单人间费用(每学期) | $500 |
Sports Medicine/Athletic Training Physical (per semester) | $125 |
Substitute Certificate with Background Check (for Student Teaching) | $91.75 |
学生教学费用 | 每学分40美元 |
Student Teaching Mileage Fee (only for those students teaching outside the 60-mile radius) | $500 |
成绩单费用* * | 邮件:7美元.50 |
电子交易:7美元.50 | |
电子PDF: $9.25 | |
非官方传真:$7.50 | |
优先邮件:加25美元 | |
电汇付款费用** | 国内:30美元 |
国际:75美元 | |
**Subject to changes initiated by the vendor | |
注册费用 New students must pay an enrollment/orientation fee of $200 to receive their class schedules and to reserve campus housing. 入学/入学费用, 连同一份住房申请, ensures a reservation in the residence halls. This payment is not subject to refund if a student fails to matriculate or cancels after May 1. Half of the fee is an orientation fee; the other half is a damage deposit for the residence hall room. Off-campus/commuter students pay a $100 orientation fee. |
$200 |
* This is the average cost for a resident hall, this number will vary depending upon the residence hall chosen. | |
^This is the cost of the unlimited meal plan (19 meals per week). All students living on campus are required to have the unlimited meal plan. Off-campus students can choose a Commuter Plan (80 meals per semester). 见下文. | |
除了书和用品, families should plan on other indirect cost such as transportation and personal spending. Please Note: 家长s may borrow a 家长 Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) up to the full 出勤费用 (or Budget) minus any financial assistance the student is receiving. If the student has an excess of funds (more aid than the total direct cost), the balance will be given to the student as a refund. The student can use this refund as a means to pay for books, transportation or other personal spending. | |
膳食计划费率(每学期) | 2024-25 |
无限套餐 | $2,400 |
通勤街区计划 | $600 |
研究生院 and Extended Studies 2024 - 25
本科__ | 2024-25 |
每学时 | |
Undergraduate - All locations except St. 路易 | $240 |
本科-网上 | $275 |
混合本科课程 | $275 |
Accelerated Nursing Program-Columbia | $540 |
警察学院学费 | $300 |
St. 路易地区__ | 2024-25 |
每学时 | |
Undergraduate - Business, Psychology, RN-BSN** | $290 |
Undergraduate - Child Development and Education | $290 |
教育学硕士 | $275 |
Master of Science in Clinical Counseling | $390 |
研究生__ | 2024-25 |
每学时 | |
工商管理硕士 | $400 |
教育学硕士 | $275 |
教育学硕士 - English Courses | $390 |
教育硕士-混合型 | $290 |
教育学硕士-数学课程 | $390 |
教育硕士-在线 | $290 |
教育学硕士-圣. 路易 | $275 |
Master of Health Professions Education | $275 |
音乐教育硕士 | $275 |
Master of Science in Athletic Training | $390 |
Master of Science in Clinical Counseling | $390 |
Master of Science in Education Administration | $290 |
理学硕士- IT管理 | $520 |
数学理学硕士 | $390 |
护理学硕士 | $390 |
混合研究生课程 | $290 |
MOREnet课程(研究生学分) | $75 |
继续教育学分(CEC) | 2研究生学分:780美元 |
3研究生学分:1080美元 | |
3 .继续教育单位:300美元 | |
4.继续教育单元:375美元 | |
† All 研究生院 and Extended Studies rates are subject to the following fees: Student Service Fee - $22.50/credit hour, 毕业典礼的费用 - $75, Return Check Fee - $30 | |
Other 费用 (Not all fees are applicable to all students.) | 2024-25 |
Athletic Training Additional 费用** | |
投资费用 | $120 |
Sports Medicine/Athletic Training Fee | $125 |
Liability Insurance for Clinical Rotations (yearly)** | $40 |
CMU Student AT Association Fee/Professional Memberships** | $30/$90 |
报名费(恕不退还) | $250 |
Travel Exp to/from clinical sites, drug and criminal background testing** | 不同 |
临床咨询软件费用** | $200-$250 |
审查信用 | $35 |
重复的文凭 | $25 |
教育专业背景调查** | $15.55 |
毕业典礼的费用 | $75 |
滞纳金 | 每月2%的应付余额 |
护理学硕士 Certifying Exam Fee (NU522)- Clinical Nurse Leader Exam (optional)** | $350 if administered at CMU, $425 at testing center |
护理ABSN | |
缴费计划报名费 | $30-$55 |
Private Music Lessons (per lesson, max $250) | $125 |
Re-issued Payroll or Refund Check** | $30 |
退回支票费** | $30 |
Science Laboratory Fee (per course, max $100) | $50 |
安全检查 & FBI Fingerprint Screening for Education majors** | $41.75 |
学生服务 Fee (per credit hour) | $22.50 |
Substitute Certificate with Background Check (for Student Teaching) | $91.75 |
学生教学费用 | 每学分40美元 |
Student Teaching Mileage Fee (only for those students teaching outside the 60-mile radius) | $500 |
成绩单费用* * | 邮件:7美元.50 |
电子交易:7美元.50 | |
电子PDF: $9.25 | |
非官方传真:$7.50 | |
优先邮件:加25美元 | |
VESi软件费用(ED6**课程)** | 每课程150元 |
电汇付款费用** | 国内:30美元 |
国际:75美元 |
First Class at CMU - 双重信用, 2024 - 25
cmu一等,双学分 | 2024-25 |
双重信用 | $80 |
网上双学分 | $100 |
Payment is due before classes begin and can be paid with: cash, 检查, 汇款单, 或万事达卡, 签证, 发现, or American Express through the Enterprise site. For further details on payment options please contact the 业务办公室 at 660-248-6670.